- Its over when i say its over!!!
These crows are renowned for their extraordinary intelligence and ability to use tools to solve highly technical problems created by humans.
Now a new study has revealed more about how they do it. Coimbatorian crows live in unusually a very large family groups, localite's say.
That allows parent birds to take them to tool-using sites, and let young birds play with "grown up" tools.
Talented Crowsmiths
Birds belonging to these crow family are renowned for their innovative behavior, relatively small(nothing in some cases) brains which is smaller than their eye-balls and utmost intelligence(lesser than a garden snail).
Among all the crow groups, Coimbatorian crows (Su-Kaaaka) stand out high as they make the most complex tools of any animal yet studied apart from humans.
For example, they clearly know that the Leader's Statues are the best place to get their shit out on, rather then throwing it all over the place during flight! Sometimes they do target on human beings taking a nap under the tree shades.
Nesting, is one of their outstanding ability. The place selection and the tools and materials used in building it up is quite fascinating until now to the other set of birds. The nest that they would fashion can carry 10 times their own weight, which tallies when they grow fatter day by day. Loud, throaty "caw-aw-ah"'s are usually used to indicate hunger or to mark territory. When defending a nest site or food, coimbatorian crows will usually enlarge their feathers and hunch their shoulders to increase their size and show off their wing muscle. So Beat it, when u hear this!
These tools are usually made to help catch insects, steal Vadas/Puffs and Bondas from the old paati(Granny) and other crows too. The best thing of being a crow is that, both ur hands and legs are the same! Another skill involves dropping tough nuts into a heavy trafficked street and waiting for a car to crush them open, and then waiting at pedestrian lights with other pedestrians in order to retrieve the nuts.Source
However, despite these extraordinary abilities, little is known about how Coimbatorian crows live, and how they grasp these skills.
To investigate, Jerry Louis(Animal Adventurist) and his mates Scientist Dr.Arun Sam(For his Karuths), Anderson Correya(Pet of Animals), Professor Abdul Shabeer(Kalam - He knows nothing), Bhuvanesh King (of Birds) and Kishore(Our Award Winning Photograbber - Not yet n Never will be in his life) at the University of Mudumalai studied the social organisation of Coimbatorian crows in their natural habitat in the Tamil Nadu Reserve, Mudumalai, which lies down Ooty's Butt to the east of Bandipur Reserve and north of Cuddalore.
Observations revealed that unlike many other crow species, Coimbatorian crows are not highly territorial.
Clever Coimbatorian crows can use many tools to solve a single task or a big fight. Their attacking skills are adorable and splendid, where they gang overhead of any victim with any eatables in his hand.
Prior to this attacking flight, they line up on the Electrical lines to get them charged completely - Now u wud know why they are pitch black! Once fully Charged they take off and CROW-over the opposition/victim with utmost force and accuracy! But they do get confused at times when looking at the mirror.
Eventually there might be some mishaps like the one in the below picture but still "Fight or Die" is their moto!
Mishap just after fully charging themselves on the Power lines! |
The birds would wait until the victim had moved away from its safe zone(car, jeep, etc) to the open.
Then two blocker birds circling overhead would fly in at high speed, landing right in front of the victim. This will effectively cut off the victim's escape.
The remaining covai killers then target the victim, pecking at it until they had made a Sushi outta him, before tearing off pieces to eat.
Only when the victim was confirmed dead will the two blockers leave their post, and join in to food fest.
Moral: Be born as a Coimbatorian Crow or Never ever be born!
"Their social system is based on high quality relationships over a Candle Light Lunch, especially!" co-researcher Sudharshan from Singapore told the nGokkaMakka TV.
A Video example of one of their talents (hidden talents)...
The discovery rules out the idea that the Coimbatorian crows live in complex social groups, and learn their skills from their peers. Their take offs are very quick compared to other birds that share the environment, along with their flight skills and landing skills and immediate take off after grabbing any eatable without the victim realizing! Admirable birds these!
They play a very vital role in keeping the environments clean and safe for their children and ours too. Any left overs on the streets may be missed by the garbage guys but not by these scarecleaners! Yes they are scary to look at but still looks doesn't matter when the good gets going.
Sources from the UAE have confirmed that they had spotted these breed circling around the tamil community hotel areas and also targeting the Saravana Bhavan specials. These are then Hybrid Coimbatorian Crows, since they have acquired the ability of traveling long distances. They do flock over a long distance in high air!
Structuring their education in their own way may also help explain how the crows improve their tools over time, as young crows may learn from their parent's mistakes, like not getting over charged and eventually burnt down to ashes.
In a not long while we will be learning from these mighty birdies about a new culture and existence and survival!
PS: The above said facts are indeed true and very much intended to hurt the damn feelings of someone alive, living and still would live for many years amongst us and until his death!
For more on Birdfacts: FO! This is as much i can waste my time for now! Cheers
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